How It All Adds Up
Managing, recording, being thorough, and understanding the ins and out of your business's finances can be overwhelming and demands dedicated time, especially when you add the already long list of tasks you are confronted with as a business owner.
Through best practices and my experience working with small business owners, I can set into place functional, streamlined accounting systems and help you manage your books more efficiently and effectively. My integrity, attention to detail, and initiative allow me to be a sounding board, a second set of eyes, and a trustworthy resource - a valuable asset to your professional organization. The short-term goals are always accurate, orderly books, but you will find the biggest payoff is the long-term result of a healthy, profitable business and, more importantly, a happy you.
On a personal note - I am the mother of two busy boys, and my favorite hobby is working as a part-time fitness instructor. Much like my bookkeeping side, I love contributing and providing healthy solutions to people's lives.
When you run a small business, your support system has to be comprised of competent, talented people who have your best interest in mind. I look forward to being that partner to you.
- Jennifer